Ayam is a free 3D modelling environment for the RenderMan interface.
Main features:
- RIB (RenderMan Interface Bytestream) export and import.
- Support for NURBS curves and (trimmed) NURBS surfaces, Boxes, Quadrics (Sphere, Disk, Cylinder, Cone, Hyperboloid, Paraboloid, and Torus), CSG, MetaBalls, Patch Meshes, Polygonal Meshes, and Subdivision Surfaces.
- NURBS modelling includes approximating and interpolating curves as well as extrude, revolve, sweep, birail, skin and gordon objects with caps, holes, and bevels.
- First modelling environment to support Subdivision NURBS.
- Custom objects that may freely implement their representations (using OpenGL and RIB) and even small GUIs to edit their type specific parameters may be written by the user and dynamically loaded at runtime.
- Scripting interfaces: Tcl, JavaScript; Script objects.
- Misc: instancing, arbitrary number of modeling views, object clipboard, independent property clipboard, console, n-level undo.
- File formats (r/w): RIB, DXF, 3DM, 3DMF, OBJ, X3D.